What is Digital Sponsorship and why does it matter?
I have been asked many times over the years, “what is the importance of Digital Sponsorship for sports teams?” My immediate response is always the same: “revenue; it will play a big part in the future of the business of sports.”
Asked further to break it down and what “it” is, the best way I can explain it is Digital Sponsorship is both an art and science of bringing together great content that engages the fan FIRST, while also tying in the brand associated with the digital campaign.
The key to all of this is getting the sponsors involved to drive what success looks like. Focusing on delivering what the brand wants at an agreeable price point that can be defended with measured results goes a long way in ensuring long-term success and not just another ‘transaction.’
As I write this, I believe that the majority of the sports industry are still using their digital assets as “throw-ins” and aren’t quite sure how to sell digital sponsorships to maximize their revenue potential. However, I also believe that the market is shifting, and with that will come a clearer understanding of the value of those digital assets. Every day we are seeing them become a more integral part of our team’s and league’s digital revenue strategy, so much so that we have made training for the “why and how” of digital sponsorship a routine part of our client onboarding process. We want to make sure that our teams have everything they need to maximize their digital revenue potential.
In the end, the best way to sell digital sponsorship is to make it simple. Everyone understands “simple” and the brand partners who sign on with our club partners are investing because they understand simple too.