Diversify to maximize engagement.
Teams can achieve great success when using the FC CORE Predict•Its, Polls | Surveys and Trivia activation tools to engage with fans, but can sometimes get caught up in the same old cycle of questions that only appeal to a small portion of their fanbase. To avoid this, we recommend that teams take the time to create diverse, relateable questions that will draw on the interests of ALL fans.
Using a variety of questions to take advantage of national or global events such as the Super Bowl, Olympics, NBA Finals, or any other high profile, broad-reaching event, can engage fans of all ages and walks of life. Even something as simple as a question that relates or compares your team to the next big superhero blockbuster is a way to not only attract current fans, but new fans as well (New fans = New leads!).
Presenting questions with a more global relevance and appeal allows fans to connect with each other AND their favorite teams in a way that is much more engaging than simply asking the same old questions about a particular team or it’s individual sport. Diversity is key!